Just a reminder … that we can be our own version of uniquely wonderful. May we know in our deepest places that our Creator knew what He was doing when He made us. And He knew who would stop and look and find us interesting enough to remember.

What I know today more than I’ve ever known before is that the people who need my testimony of His faithfulness will be helped by God to connect with me so they can hear it. That’s what He has done for me. He’s used unusual circumstances to connect me to the truth (people carrying the truth I needed to hear.)

“I make my boast in the Lord. The humble and downtrodden hear it and rejoice.” (Ps 34:2)

We may be unseen by some. Some would pass this goat in a pasture on the drive to work and never see him. But others will stop and take his picture and keep it around for 10+ years because they saw something different that day that drew them in.

One of God’s names is El Roi which means “the God who sees me.” (Gen. 16:13) The God who sees you knows where you are needed and where you will find a sense of belonging. He is a God of love and knows how to connect you with your people.

You may be a random goat to some. To others you will be a work of art… a reason to smile and even laugh and enjoy the moments. So, keep being you. You never know how the Master will use His masterpiece. 🎨🖼 Remember when He used a donkey to speak.

I’m thankful for the carpool adventures from back in the day and for like-minded friends who were willing to stop to meet this one goat. Diana captured the moment beautifully with her camera. 🐑🐐

Prayer: Father God, I turn my eyes to You, my Creator. I am thankful that You define my worth, and You have created me with purpose. I release the fear of rejection and any bitterness in my heart that comes from not feeling seen or understood. If I harbor any unforgiveness toward myself and others, I confess it to You and I choose the healing that forgiveness brings. Please cleanse my heart of the residue of rejection so I am able to love others with a pure heart.

I put my faith in Your goodness and Your purpose for my life, my days. I trust that Your boundaries have fallen for me in pleasant places. Satisfy me each morning with Your unfailing love, so I may sing to you with joy for the rest of my days. May Your love lead others to hear my testimony and draw from within me more proof of Your love, power, and presence. Let my life be completely Yours. Thank You for choosing me. In Jesus I believe, and, in His name, I pray. Amen