Jennifer’s Blog

The Wonder of God’s Faithfulness + New Bible Study

The Wonder of God’s Faithfulness + New Bible Study

I can't think of a better way to start 2020 than with a focus on God's faithfulness. We have no idea what 2020 truly holds for us. But we know the One who holds our futures in His faithful hands. Deuteronomy 7:9 reminds us that God's faithfulness is a gift to us and...

On Being Still and Knowing God

On Being Still and Knowing God

Hey there! I hope this finds you experiencing the beautiful things of God in this Fall season. When we go through difficult seasons in life, our flesh wants to "do something" to fix the problem so we can once again be at peace. It takes faith to trust God to do the...

New Online Bible Study for Women: You are Invited!

New Online Bible Study for Women: You are Invited!

Hello there praying, faith-filled friend! I hope your summer has been SO good. We finished up our Authority in Christ online Bible study for women and now we are ready to launch into the next one. We would love for you to join us. We are diving into Ephesians with...

Summer Bible Study Announcement

Summer Bible Study Announcement

"Our combat with the devil always should be with the consciousness that we have authority over him because he is a defeated foe - the Lord Jesus Christ defeated him for us." Kenneth E. Hagin Do you wrestle with the reality that as a born again Christian, you have been...

Choosing Peace in the Storm

Last week Louisiana was hit with a major storm. I woke up at 5 am to a very persistent alarm on my security system warning me of a possible tornado. There were a few minutes when I chose to take cover on the bathroom floor. My pets, Skeeter and Rosie, joined me and...

Living Free from Bitterness

Have you wrestled with bitterness toward someone who hurt you deeply? How do we walk in love toward someone who robbed us of something precious or even sacred? Living free from bitterness can seem like a choice to climb Mount Everest when you are too out of shape to...

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